Lion's Mane as natural energy?

Lion's Mane as natural energy?

On Energy Drinks - open and honest
Author: Silver Laus (CEO of Shroomwell)

The modern world is increasingly fast-paced, with less and less time given to achieving results. Whether it's on the job, at school or at the gym, keeping up seems difficult, and one increasingly popular 'solution' is the energy drink.

After all, the classic energy drink is designed to stimulate us faster, offering a combination of caffeine, sugar and other highly potent and often synthetic stimulants. While it is hard to argue with their effectiveness, these drinks also have a rather dark side. Let's take a look at how the substances in energy drinks can be harmful to your health, and how certain substances affect your body.

(Excessive) caffeine

Although caffeine is by its nature a nootropic, i.e. moderate consumption can be good for concentration and alertness, many energy drinks contain significantly more caffeine than your average cup of coffee. Excessive caffeine, again, can cause

  • heart rhythm disturbances, where the heart starts to beat or even skips beats.
  • raised blood pressure, which over time leads to cardiovascular problems.
  • sleep disturbances.

The half-life of coffee is about 8h. So too much coffee and after a late lunch, affects the body's normal sleep rhythm, so the body's functioning will be severely disrupted.

Sugar overload

Most energy drinks are loaded with sugars, which give a quick energy boost, but are followed by a rapid drop in energy. In general, the sugars used in energy drinks are sugars with one of the highest glycaemic indexes, causing excessive and unhealthy blood sugar spikes, which in turn can lead to insulin resistance and cause acute inflammation in the body and blood vessels.

Empowering ingredients and addiction

In addition to caffeine, energy drinks also use a wide variety of other stimulants to achieve a rapid alertness effect. In many cases they are over-stimulating and also synthetic (not natural). This in turn over-stimulates the nervous system, causing anxiety, nervousness and tremors. Tolerance to these biochemicals also increases, so we consume more and more of them and more frequently to recreate the desired effect.

After some sustained consumption, people often experience withdrawal symptoms, which may include headaches, fatigue, irritability or depression.

Adrenal overload and fatigue

The cocktail of stimulants in an energy drink overloads adrenal receptors and causes stress, leading to overproduction of the stress hormone cortisol. Over time, the adrenal glands become fatigued, leading to chronic fatigue that is often not reversed by sleep alone. This, in turn, rapidly weakens the body's immune system so that it can no longer fight external stressors. Hormonal imbalances also shift and uncontrolled mood swings occur.

Anxiety disorders and attention deficits

In some EU countries, the sale of energy drinks to minors is banned, mainly due to the effects of these drinks on the developing young brain. The substances contained in energy drinks not only harm the body physically, but also affect mental balance as a consequence.

Large amounts of poor quality carbohydrates cause oxidative stress and its first effect is often in the brain. Similarly, all sorts of additives, which are supposed to provide energy in the short term, damage the body and brain function in the long term. The brain's neural synapses no longer work as they should and, over time, concentration and alertness are shortened. We become anxious, nervous. The longer the period of stress on the body from energy drinks, the more permanent the damage.

Are there alternatives?

Traditional energy drinks may seem like a quick fix for fatigue and low energy, but their health risks are significant. Ranging from sleep disruption to potential heart damage, the effects of these drinks are wide-ranging.
Fortunately, there are now viable healthier alternatives emerging. From natural herbal solutions, to powerful superfoods, to functional beverages.

One such energising and focus-driving functional mushroom is Lion's Mane (also known as the mushroom for brain and nerve health).

Shroomwell's FOCUS STATE soft drink contains almost 2g of Lions Mane per can, making it one of the most unique products on the market. In addition, we've made sure that all the ingredients in the product are natural and won't harm your health.

Yes, it is possible to have energy and a clear focus while being healthy and tasting heavenly at the same time!

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